Monday, January 2, 2017

Staying up all night versus using our time wisely

How was every body's New Year so far? Did you enjoy your New Year's Eve? Did you enjoy your New Year's Day? Just checkin' in!

Yesterday was a great day for me because I worshiped my Savior at Church and (if you go to the above link,) you can see that I now use my time wisely.

Not only is it important to spend time with God, but we as his people created in Christ Jesus to do good works which he has prepared in advance for us to do, we are fully given the same amount of time each day: 24 hours.

It fully depends how we use our time whether we squander our 24 hours of each day, or use it WISELY!

Here's a few ways we can squander our precious time on earth:

  1. Complaining
  2. Whining
  3. constantly updating social media
  4. checking social media
  5. watching the news and being sucked into it
  6. watching television
I am SHOCKED  at the number of people who squander versus the number of people who use their time wisely. I mean as Americans, we should NOT squander our precious, PRECIOUS time on earth doing the things I listed above and NOT on our knees in prayer/reading the bible. 

Yes, I have a computer, an iPhone and an iPod shuffle. BUT, ever since sitting in church listening to the youtube link given above, I have now learned how to NOT squander my time on either of those things and even when it's raining, sit inside SOMEWHERE and READ my bible. Or I spend time on my knees in prayer. 

How do you learn from this lesson I am trying to teach you? How can you use your time wisely instead of squandering it all the time 24/7? 

Share by commenting below! 

With you in the love and joy of Jesus,

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